Stay up-to-date on events, transformer best-practices, industry news, and special offers from Maddox.
600 Amp T-Body elbows connect padmounts to the grid. Learn how to prepare and install T-Body connections on your transformer.
With Three-Year Revenue Growth of 798 Percent, Maddox Industrial Transformer Ranks No. 556 Among America’s Fastest-Growing Private Companies.
Transformer inspection windows: viewing & IR windows provide a convenient and safe way to monitor a transformer's gauges and bushings without opening the cabinet.
New to transformers? Check out our article below on what they are, why we need them, how they work, and some common types.
Manuals for our 3-Phase Padmount, Unit Substation Dry-Type, 600v Dry Type, and Encapsulated/Potted Dry Type Transformers.
Common transformer related terminology and definitions.
Our standard terms and conditions as well as our different product warranties.
Information about becoming a Maddox wholesale partner and the benefits included.
Our standard webstore returns and refund policy. This only applies for general purpose low voltage dry-type transformers purchased online.
Fill out this form if you bought the wrong transformer, or if you received the incorrect unit.
Our webstore shipping and delivery policy. This only applies for general purpose low voltage dry-type transformers purchased online.
Please submit your any warranty claim inquires with this form.
Information about our website terms of service.